Competition Forum > Competition Freetalk

What is the optimal sleep schedule?

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In my time zone the competition starts at 2 AM. Should I take an extended nap on Friday night (roughly 6 PM to 2 AM) or should I have a more normal sleep schedule? How do I maximize my wakefulness and have a clear mind throughout?

I think it's better to have a normal time schedule, at least before the start.
Changing suddenly habits can make more harm than good.
After all, if the competition starts at 2 AM, you can wake up early with a clearer mind.
You will lose some time, but you will make things better and probably faster.
I am no expert tough, just my opinion.

To have a clear mind during the day, try to follow a schedule, like, every hour make a 2 minutes break.

Its 4am for me(Russia, UTC+4). My sleep schedule is messed up already because i'm temporary unemployed, so nothing to loose here. :D

At least with Ludum Dare I mostly stay up for the theme announcement (which is 3 AM my time), start figuring out a game, maybe prototype already and go to bed at 4 or 5 AM.
Saturday is usually around 2-3 AM.

Basically shifting my sleep schedule back by 1-2 hours, worked pretty good for me so far.

Just do sleep - this is important :D

Sleep is very very important so you can refresh your mind and get working ;)
Doing an all nighter was a biiiggg mistake when I did my first Ludum Dare.


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