Competition Forum > Competition Freetalk


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Well, this was fun. I made a function that calculates the x-th fibonacci number in FiM++.
( public class "A letter about fibonacci numbers" { )
Dear Princess Celestia : A letter about fibonacci numbers

( double fibonacci(double position) { )
I learned the fibonacci number with a number using a number position:

( if (position == 0) { return 1; } )
If position was 0 then:
Then you get 1!
That's what I would do.

( if (position == 1) { return 1; } )
If position was 1 then:
Then you get 1!
That's what I would do.

( double "the previous one" = fibonacci(position - 1); )
Did you know that the previous one is a number?
The previous one is the fibonacci number using position minus 1!

( double "the one before the previous one" = fibonacci(position - 2); )
Did you know that the one before the previous one is a number?
The one before the previous one is the fibonacci number using position minus 2!

( double "the resulting number" = "the previous one" + "the one before the previous one"; )
Did you know that the resulting number is a number?
The resulting number is the previous one added to the one before the previous one!

( return "the resulting number"; )
Then you get the resulting number!

( } )
That's all about the fibonacci number.

( main() { )
Today I learned how to calculate fibonacci numbers recursively:

( double "the position of the desired number"; )
Did you know that the position of the desired number is a number?

( "the position of the desired number" = read(); )
I heard the position of the desired number.

( write(fibonacci("the position of the desired number")); )
I sang the fibonacci number using the position of the desired number.

( } )
That's all about how to calculate fibonacci numbers recursively.

( } )
Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

Wow... that's a lot to type.


--- Quote from: Wishdream on 2012-October 17, 11:29:02 ---Wow... that's a lot to type.

--- End quote ---

That's the fun part! :P

More seriously, using FiM++ improve your English in a way, so it's not that bad.

Here's the most advanced interpreter (apparently):

Just wrote a small Hello Equestria script. Took me waaaay too long to figure out though!


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