Author Topic: Info about the competition  (Read 16350 times)

Offline Matias

  • Hisha The Unicorn
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Info about the competition
« on: 2012-August 29, 13:53:20 »

You probably know Game Jams already. Ludum Dare? Global Game Jam?

No? That's okay. Let me tell you how it works:

     You as a participant develop a whole game from scratch, following a given theme, all in one weekend (or 48 hours, for you fancy mathematicians!)
     The following weeks people rate the games in different categories.
     After the voting period ends, category winners get chosen and the overall winner gets all the swag!
  May the best game win!

But wait a minute! We will take the whole idea a step further! And include ponies! You know, those candy-colored equines EVERYONE has to love. Ponies make everything better, you know.


 Yes, that means every hardcore coder, game-maker and RPG-maker can participate!

You know how to develop a game? Awesome, you should totally join us!
You don't? No problem! Visit our forums, try out a few tools, learn how to and rock that compo!


 Oh, that's an easy one. You just develop a game! Yes, you! You there behind the screen!

                                               «Oh, I'm just going to build a clone of that shooter breaking all them records
                                                                                     and win that competition in a jiffy!»

                                                                                                                                                             – You, right now

 Woah! Wait a minute! It's not that easy.

 There are two rules you have to remember:

          Like... LOTS'A PONIES. Your game should contain at least 120% ponies. No. OVER 9000% PONIES. Yea, that sounds right.
  • The game must be developed from scratch.
          That means you have to draw your ponies, fruity-loop your musics and juggle your codes ALL BY YOURSELF. (Possibly teams for the next one)
  • Follow the themes
          Your game MUST follow BOTH themes. One being "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". The other being published at competition start.

          You think you can handle that? Perfect! You're now 20% cooler. Dashie approved and Celestia blessed.

The rules might be changing, there might be a more specific theme, but one thing will never change: Ponies.

                   Now that you know the rules, go and develop some games to warm-up!
                                          Get ready for the big little game jam!

But... When?

October 5th 2012 at 00:00 GMT. MLGJ #1 has finished! Check the Games out and vote!

Follow us on Twitter! for more info about the next gamejam. Oh. and the winner of the first jam ofcause ;)

And who are you?

 Oh, we are just three crazy ponies who met in the #EverfreeRadio IRC channel on CanterNet.
 Want to talk to us directly? Join our channel #MyLittleGameJam here and ask for Hisha_The_Unicorn, Rylius or Compony!

 Thanks to J-PONY for the awesome logo! and cosmicunicorn for the awesome banner!

:) *puts on sunglasses*  8)     SWAG ON!

What can I win?

Well. you can win the "champion" title. With that you're allowed to choose a special title for yourself. Other prizes may or may not be added :D
« Last Edit: 2012-October 16, 19:41:33 by Matias »
Heya everypony. This is a signature. /)