Author Topic: My feedback on (almost) all games  (Read 21665 times)

Offline Oracion

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My feedback on (almost) all games
« on: 2012-October 11, 22:31:49 »
I`ve managed to create some feedback on some 20 games so far, going somewhat randomly. I haven`t voted yet - I plan to do so when I look at the rest of the games. In the meantime, here`s some words for competitors:

You have all made awesome games.
Congratulations and well done! If I point out what I perceive to be errors or problems in your game, even if I say a game was frustrating, that still doesn't mean I didn't enjoyed because I did. And there can never be enough pony games.

Here come the games:

Chocolate Milk Attack
At first I thought I would stand to the right of Discord and just bash the space bar but that didn’t really work as I ran all about for a while, then, when I was at 100 seconds, I just stopped my Rainbow Dash and sat tight.
As I write this, I have survived 205 seconds and counting. Discord just never throws his chocolate far enough to the right to destroy the remaining pony houses. Perhaps it’s caused by my widescreen monitor?

Chaos in Time
Yay! I win!
And I even reunited Twilight with Dr. Whooves when the latter somehow dropped through the floor down. It might have been on purpose but it looked more like a bug.
You had a very good idea and implemented it neatly as well. Only perhaps I would appreciate if both parts of the split screen had some indicator of where at x-axis is the other pony located.
And it was short, but… you do what you can in 48 hours.

Say hello to Twilight Sparkle
Your game sure has a lot of prerequisites… 
Anyway, I loved the sounds, especially with what you can do during this amount of time, they reminded me of Commander Keen and you know, old games, as you intended.
At the game over screen, it took a while for me to process it (it says “Oh, you want to play again? Too bad.”) But it’s refreshing to see a game that doesn’t encourage playing the same thing over and over again.
Oh and I didn’t figure out the cheat code.

Saving the Night
You have a very nice Luna sprite.
And the gameplay shows promise, but for me, it’s the usability problems that made it frustrating, most notably the fact that the screen is not always centered on Luna (actually, my viewport seems to move around somewhat randomly). Also, I couldn’t find out when I can grab a cloud and when not (the cursor changed between sun and moon strangely).
Oh, and congratulations on making a true 2D game with Unity. I still haven’t managed to do that.

This technology is amazing! Are you sure you did this in forty-eight hours? Or perhaps you used some kind of pencil-drawing framework - that would be more believable. If you made this all on your own, then double congratulations!
But, you know, it doesn’t have gameplay, so there’s that. Still, if ever you create something more with this technology, I’d love to play with that!

Chaos in the Sky
I get a blank white screen with this content of release.log file:
Will not vote unless I can get it to run.
[MAIN] Screen: 640x480, windowed
Requesting texture sprites/menu.png ...  opened... successfully loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/menu.png" ... found texture.
Requesting texture sprites/start.png ...  opened... successfully loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/start.png" ... found texture.
Requesting texture sprites/start.png ... Texture already loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/start.png" ... found texture.
Requesting texture sprites/quit.png ...  opened... successfully loaded.
Requesting bounds for "

Chaos Flier
Playing as Celestia or Luna is refreshing after SO many Rainbow Dash games all over the internet.
The game is pretty hard, though, and even of multiple tries, I didn’t get past level 1. The pony just moves too slowly – or perhaps that is because of my computer’s speed?
Discords Maze
Got this error and crashed:
Will not vote unless I can get it to run.
Thu Oct 11 21:45:27 CEST 2012 INFO:Slick Build #274
Thu Oct 11 21:45:27 CEST 2012 INFO:LWJGL Version: 2.8.4
Thu Oct 11 21:45:27 CEST 2012 INFO:OriginalDisplayMode: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @60Hz
Thu Oct 11 21:45:27 CEST 2012 INFO:TargetDisplayMode: 800 x 600 x 0 @0Hz
Thu Oct 11 21:45:27 CEST 2012 ERROR:Pixel format not accelerated
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(Native Method)
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat(WindowsPeerInfo.ja
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createWindow(

        at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.createWindow(
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(
        at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.tryCreateDisplay(AppGameContainer.
        at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.access$000(
        at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer$
        at Method)
        at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.setup(
        at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.start(
        at game.Launcher.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(JarRsrcLoa
org.newdawn.slick.SlickException: Failed to initialise the LWJGL display
        at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.setup(
        at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.start(
        at game.Launcher.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(JarRsrcLoa

Bonk Racing

When I clicked “Run, Discord, Run” I got an error “Input string not in correct format.”
Will not vote unless I can get it to run.

Discord’s Labyrinth

For me, the best game from the jam.
Some of the flavor text really made me laugh (most prominently, “Applejack eats a tasty apple. Looks like she just ruined a puppet show.”) and I loved the one with “Fluttershy is afraid. Afraid to let down her friends.” as well.
However, the instructions would benefit from being clearer, especially traps which are never explained. Also how precisely discording works is unclear, especially whether you still need to calm ponies when they are at labyrinth exit. When I first noticed the “Rf” in Rarity’s path, I thought it was some kind of easter egg, given that  it’s not explained in the instruction so I waited in front of it and then stepped directly on it with Rarity and nothing happened. From looking at the source code, I guess it was the Rockfall trigger that didn’t trigger because Applejack was already at maze exit, but I think I’d like it more if it were some kind of positive trigger, like getting free gems or such.
Also, I think it should have been possible to calm ponies down to negative fear so as to prevent them from getting “killed” in one turn.
I ran the file by double-clicking it in Windows, so when one of my ponies “died”, the window just closed. It would have been better if it said that I won, then printed out the name of the pony who went over fear level 3 and then wait for press of any key.
So when this happened twice, I thought I would program an automatic-solver for this but after I ran into some problems with std input/output redirection, I just decided to play it one more time and it was still fun.
The reversal of game won/game lost screens was very clever, though I was still happier when I got the “game lost” screen. As it should be.
So congratulations, this was a really well done game, and at very few lines of code, no less.
Final point – I envy you that you managed to use such clever identifiers in your code as Pony or Discorded. For my text adventure, I still can’t forgive myself that the mane six and Clover are just instances of an Item class.

Apples vs. Chaos
45 seconds.
Required some obscure DirectX runtime. I guess it’s the framework’s fault, but I would prefer if the message pointed me directly to the download page than to a list of DirectX downloads.
Otherwise, well done, though I wouldn’t mind if Chaos had a little less hitpoints (e.g. if it could be shotdown on one or two jumps rather than three), also nice graphics.

WHAT? Day One DLC?? For 15 euros??? You know, when ME3 came out, people complained the Prothean came as a DLC, saying “it’s a vital part of the game.” You put THE STORYLINE as a DLC? 
Nice moustache, though it’s the weakest weapon. I don’t think the Unity physics helped the game much. They made it more challenging, sure, but from my view, the ponies just moved randomly from the collision. Nice sun and good job on making 3D graphics for a 48-hour game.

Chaotic Dash

The chaos swirls were pretty frustrating. That they stop is already bad enough, but then they make you run backwards! Also, I think I would have made do with lighter physics that I could more easily understand. Also you have a great intro, nice animation of the swirls and of Rainbow. And the background system is nice.

Rainbow Noid

Just an oversight, but do your program is named Rainbow Noid Installer in the installer. It should just be named Rainbow Noid.
I got to the second level. It’s not immediately obvious that the black ball is the primary ball that cannot fall – usually in Arkanoid game, you just need one ball to survive. Of course, you know what the main problem of this game is – you cannot modify the direction of the ball and the only thing you can do is prevent it from falling down.
When I was making an Arkanoid game, I made it so that the direction of the incoming ball is ignored completely and depending on where it strikes the bat it bounces off – if it strikes the middle, it goes straight up. If it hits a corner, it goes directly to the right and then you interpolate between.
If you implemented that, this would have been much more fun. Without it, well, it would be difficult even if I was about 20% cooler.

I get an error when trying to press Escape:
action number 1
of Keyboard Event for <Escape> Key
for object object2:

Failed to save game to file pausemenusave
Chaos Simulator 5000

Avast! Antivirus said this contained a Win32/Malware-gen virus, but the –gen suffix suggests it’s recognized by heuristics rather than a signature. Any idea why this is?

Will try to play this game later.

Twilight in Chaos!

It crashes for me on load. I run Windows 7. Will  not vote unless I can get this to run.
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01:   chaos-win.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03:   5071c28e
  Problem Signature 04:   OpenTK
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06:   4caca83c
  Problem Signature 07:   2f2
  Problem Signature 08:   0
  Problem Signature 09:   System.EntryPointNotFound
  OS Version:   6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:   1029
  Additional Information 1:   0a9e
  Additional Information 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:   0a9e
  Additional Information 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Fluttershy’s Chaotic Adventure

I watched your game improve through the contest, that was interesting. A minimap would have been very nice, even if it did not show the elements, just Fluttershy’s location. This way, it was too frustrating for me. I’m not as patient as I used to.
Also, when Fluttershy hits the wall to right and I hold the right and down arrow keys pressed, she should still go down, even if the way right is blocked. She doesn’t and that’s difficult to get used to.

Running from Chaos

Nice music. And menu. Couldn’t play multiplayer, however, at least until I get my brother to be become brony, and that won’t happen until he learns English because I’m so not having him watch the Czech translations.
The maze is frustrating, mainly because you cannot hold right and down key at the same time and still move if one of the directions is blocked.
Also, couldn’t get far beyond the maze because the chaos thingies were too many and caught up with me very soon.
Daring Do and Scepter of Harmony

When I pressed “1” I lost. Don’t know why.
Excellent intro, Daring Do exiting the cave with hundreds of parasprites was awesome.
Not a big fan of mouse controlling a character. I just can’t do it properly and it seems clunky. Would much prefer using WASD or arrow keys to move Daring.
All six weapons were amazing. Also liked the thing that made you smaller (poison joke?). Made it easier to evade projectiles.
Got this error during gameplay when I press a number key, then I didn’t use them anymore for fear of it crashing:
action number 1
of Collision Event with object obj_anvil
for object obj_proj:

Error in code at line 1:
at position 14: Unknown variable vDam

Twilight’s Tower of Tribulations

Props for storyline. However, the screen transitions very way too slow. And I mean comically slow next to the speed of Twilight’s movement.
Stopped in frustration in the room with four pillars when I couldn’t figure out how to make the triple-jump to the last column. So I couldn’t get very far in the game which is a pity because it looks so well. The ability to triple-jump (rather than make only two jumps) seemed random – when am I permitted to do one and when not?

Order of Twilight
I could have done without the StabYourself advertisement in a pony game. I also kinda think there was a limit on gore.

And then, from main menu on, it lagged. On a scale of 1 FPS. So I thought my computer was poor and it turns my netbook can run the game just fine at 60 FPS – so that’s nice.

I got pretty far in the game and really enjoyed it. You’ve really polished the game as much as possible and it’s not even obvious or apparent that it was made in such a short time. I’d say it’s better than many games developed over a much larger period of time.

Anyway, I had to interrupt that game and I don’t think there’s a save feature (though for a game this long, one would be helpful), so I’m planning on replaying it sometime next week. May amend this then.
« Last Edit: 2012-October 11, 22:59:26 by Oracion »

Offline Lemonaids

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Re: My feedback on (almost) all games
« Reply #1 on: 2012-October 12, 08:21:20 »
On Chaos In The Sky

I think it's crashing on your sound driver. I've attached a No Sound version that should work if this is the case.

If it still doesn't work, I've also attached the debug build, it should give a bit more output in another window. Try running that and tell me what it says.

Offline Oracion

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Re: My feedback on (almost) all games
« Reply #2 on: 2012-October 12, 08:51:37 »
Thank you.
So the No Sound file makes no difference and the debug file prints this:

Code: [Select]
[MAIN] Screen: 640x480, windowed
Requesting texture sprites/menu.png ...  opened... successfully loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/menu.png" ... found texture.
Requesting texture sprites/start.png ...  opened... successfully loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/start.png" ... found texture.
Requesting texture sprites/start.png ... Texture already loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/start.png" ... found texture.
Requesting texture sprites/quit.png ...  opened... successfully loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/quit.png" ... found texture.
Requesting texture sprites/quit.png ... Texture already loaded.
Requesting bounds for "sprites/quit.png" ... found texture.
irrKlang sound library version 1.4.0
Using DirectSound8 driver
[WubManager] DJ Pon-3 is ready to rock!
Requesting Sound Source for "sounds/win.wav" ... successfully loaded.

Offline Lemonaids

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Re: My feedback on (almost) all games
« Reply #3 on: 2012-October 12, 19:49:53 »
That is really interesting. It's getting to the menu and then hanging up as soon as it needs to display something. ??? I'll have to try building it on more computers and see if I can reproduce the problem.

On a related note, you seem to be having compatibility issues with a surprising number of the games- may I suggest checking that windows and drivers are up to date and/or trying the games on another computer.

Offline srompongs

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Re: My feedback on (almost) all games
« Reply #4 on: 2019-December 25, 07:56:46 »
 It's the information I'm looking for as well.